A few years ago, I was talking to a potential client, whom I’ll call Andy, about joining my training academy. This broker had been in the business for a long time, and was lamenting that his annual volume had been stuck at around $10 million for years.
Andy told me he was one of the most knowledgeable brokers in his office, and that everyone came to him for advice on their files.
When I started asking him questions about his business, Andy cut me off, saying, ”I already know how to get business from realtors and other people. I just can’t understand why my business is not growing.”
After listening to him rant for a little while longer, I said, “Andy, I don’t think you are a good fit for our program. I don’t think I can teach you anything.”
I thanked him for his time and moved on. The truth was, I couldn’t teach Andy anything—in fact, no one could. Andy already knew everything, which was precisely his problem.
The sad thing is that I ended up coaching another client in Andy’s city, and within three years, she was doing over $15 million a year in volume.
While she might not have had his lender knowledge, she had something he didn't—she was coachable.
I share this because I was not coachable in the early stages of my career, which was a big mistake, and cost me a fortune.
To be fair, I had coaches, but I just didn’t listen to them. I would think things like, “Oh, that would work for you but not me,” or "I already know this!”
By the way, that was so not true—it was just my ego talking.
The truth was, not being coachable cost me a lot of money. I hope that, with this podcast and any other content I share with you, you can learn from my mistakes.
On last week’s podcast, I share a million-dollar strategy that I wish I had learned sooner.
→ The Million-Dollar Strategy I Wish I Had Learned Sooner (14 minutes)