Whenever I speak to a large group of mortgage brokers, I ask them this question:
“Have you ever had a client, or referral source, say something like, “Hey, is it okay if I refer you to my brother?”
Inevitably, a large percentage of hands pop up around the room.
Why does this happen?
I believe it’s because we don’t ask for referrals often enough.
We erroneously believe that if we do a good job and knock it out of the park, our clients will be thrilled to refer us to their family and friends.
However, while they may be thrilled to refer you, that doesn’t mean they will remember to do so.
Let’s be honest—I bet that there’s someone you love to work with, that you haven’t sent any referrals to in the past year.
Don’t beat yourself up. This is just human nature. We are all busy and simply forget, and so do our clients.
When I was brokering, I did a lot of things wrong, but one thing I was relentless about was asking for referrals.
I asked all the time.
I was like a four-year-old asking for dessert.
This frustrated some of my colleagues, who were better at doing the mortgages, but got fewer referrals.
This is an easy problem to solve.
On last week’s podcast, I share two different ways to ask for referrals, at six different stages of the mortgage process.